Interface BalanceUpdateBurnedLostRewards

Corresponds to RPC schema:

{ // Lost_endorsing_rewards
"kind": "burned",
"category": "lost endorsing rewards",
"delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
"participation": boolean,
"revelation": boolean,
"change": $int64,
"origin": "block" || "migration" || "subsidy" || "simulation" }

Oxford protocol adds new category values:

{ // Lost_attesting_rewards
"kind": "burned",
"category": "lost attesting rewards",
"delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
"participation": boolean,
"revelation": boolean,
"change": $int64,
"origin": "block" || "migration" || "subsidy" || "simulation" }
  • Oxford protocol adds delayed origin for all category values:
|| { ...
"origin": "delayed_operation",
"delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }

Tezos Protocol



  • BaseBalanceUpdate
    • BalanceUpdateBurnedLostRewards


bondRollupAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

change: BigNumber

The actual balance change.

committer: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

contractAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

cycle: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

delayedOperationHash: null | string

It has a value only if origin is DelayedOperation

delegateAddress: string

User tz address.

delegatorContractAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

kind: Burned

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

participation: boolean
revelation: boolean

Raw data as received from Tezos Node RPC. Taquito interface may not be exact.

staker: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

uid: string

Universal ID of the entity on the blockchain. It is still human-readable.


Block hash / operation group hash / operation index [ operation kind ]


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