Interface BalanceUpdateStakingDelegateDenominator

Corresponds to RPC schema:

{ // Staking_delegate_denominator
"kind": "staking",
"category": "delegate_denominator",
"delegate": $Signature.Public_key_hash,
"change": $int64,
"origin": "block" || "migration" || "subsidy" || "simulation" }

Oxford protocol adds delayed origin for all category values:

|| { ...
"origin": "delayed_operation",
"delayed_operation_hash": $Operation_hash }

Tezos Protocol



  • BaseBalanceUpdateStaking
    • BalanceUpdateStakingDelegateDenominator


bondRollupAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

change: BigNumber

The actual balance change.

committer: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

contractAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

cycle: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

delayedOperationHash: null | string

It has a value only if origin is DelayedOperation

delegateAddress: string

User tz address.

delegatorContractAddress: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

kind: Staking

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from BalanceUpdate.

participation: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

revelation: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

Raw data as received from Tezos Node RPC. Taquito interface may not be exact.

staker: null

Always null for this type so that the property is directly available on BalanceUpdate union.

uid: string

Universal ID of the entity on the blockchain. It is still human-readable.


Block hash / operation group hash / operation index [ operation kind ]


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