It enables delegates to participate in the Exploration and Promotion periods. Delegates use this operation to vote for (Yay), against (Nay), or to side with the majority (Pass), when examining a protocol amendment proposal.



ballot: Ballot
kind: Ballot
period: number
proposal: string
rpcData: {
    ballot: BallotVote;
    kind: BALLOT;
    period: number;
    proposal: string;
    source: string;

Raw data as received from Tezos Node RPC. Taquito interface may not be exact.

Type declaration

  • Readonly ballot: BallotVote
  • Readonly kind: BALLOT
  • Readonly period: number
  • Readonly proposal: string
  • Readonly source: string
sourceAddress: string

User tz address.

uid: string

Universal ID of the entity on the blockchain. It is still human-readable.


Block hash / operation group hash / operation index [ operation kind ]


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