Interface IndexerModule<TDbContext, TContextData>

Groups related indexing logic together to be executed by Dappetizer.

Type Parameters

  • TDbContext

    The type of database context. Usually DbContext, if used with standard @tezos-dappetizer/database.

  • TContextData = unknown

    The type of your custom data that flows in indexingContext through all indexers for a block. See createContextData for more details.



blockDataIndexers?: readonly BlockDataIndexer<TDbContext, TContextData>[]
contractIndexers?: readonly ContractIndexer<TDbContext, TContextData, unknown>[]
indexingCycleHandler?: IndexingCycleHandler<TDbContext, TContextData>
name: string
smartRollupIndexers?: readonly SmartRollupIndexer<TDbContext, TContextData, unknown>[]

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