It allows users to either transfer tez between accounts and/or to invoke a smart contract.



amount: BigNumber

It is mutez - greater than or equal to 0.

balanceUpdates: readonly BalanceUpdate[]
counter: BigNumber

It is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

destinationAddress: string


Use destination.address instead.

destinationContract: null | LazyContract


Use destination instead.

fee: BigNumber

It is mutez - greater than or equal to 0.

gasLimit: BigNumber

It is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

internalOperations: readonly InternalOperation[]
isInternal: false

Usable for narrowing the type of this object from the union with internal operations.

result: AppliedTransactionResult | BacktrackedOperationResult<{
    allocated_destination_contract?: boolean;
    balance_updates?: readonly ({ readonly kind: MetadataBalanceUpdatesKindEnum; readonly contract?: string | undefined; readonly change: string; readonly origin?: MetadataBalanceUpdatesOriginEnum | undefined; ... 9 more ...; readonly delayed_operation_hash?: string | undefined; })[];
    big_map_diff?: readonly ({ readonly key_hash?: string | undefined; readonly key?: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 ...)[];
    consumed_gas?: string;
    consumed_milligas?: string;
    errors?: readonly ({ readonly kind: string; readonly id: string; readonly delegate?: string | undefined; })[];
    lazy_storage_diff?: readonly (({ readonly kind: "big_map"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: readonly { readonly key_hash: string; readonly key: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { ...; } | readonly ({ ...; } |...) | ({ readonly kind: "sapling_state"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: { readonly commitments_and_ciphertexts: readonly (readonly [string, { readonly cv: string; ... 4 more ...; readonly nonce_out: string; }])[]; readonly nullifiers: readonly string[]; } | undefin...))[];
    originated_contracts?: readonly string[];
    paid_storage_size_diff?: string;
    status: OperationResultStatusEnum;
    storage?: ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | readonly (({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | (readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...; }...))[];
    storage_size?: string;
    ticket_hash?: string;
    ticket_receipt?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
    ticket_updates?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
}> | FailedOperationResult<{
    allocated_destination_contract?: boolean;
    balance_updates?: readonly ({ readonly kind: MetadataBalanceUpdatesKindEnum; readonly contract?: string | undefined; readonly change: string; readonly origin?: MetadataBalanceUpdatesOriginEnum | undefined; ... 9 more ...; readonly delayed_operation_hash?: string | undefined; })[];
    big_map_diff?: readonly ({ readonly key_hash?: string | undefined; readonly key?: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 ...)[];
    consumed_gas?: string;
    consumed_milligas?: string;
    errors?: readonly ({ readonly kind: string; readonly id: string; readonly delegate?: string | undefined; })[];
    lazy_storage_diff?: readonly (({ readonly kind: "big_map"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: readonly { readonly key_hash: string; readonly key: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { ...; } | readonly ({ ...; } |...) | ({ readonly kind: "sapling_state"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: { readonly commitments_and_ciphertexts: readonly (readonly [string, { readonly cv: string; ... 4 more ...; readonly nonce_out: string; }])[]; readonly nullifiers: readonly string[]; } | undefin...))[];
    originated_contracts?: readonly string[];
    paid_storage_size_diff?: string;
    status: OperationResultStatusEnum;
    storage?: ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | readonly (({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | (readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...; }...))[];
    storage_size?: string;
    ticket_hash?: string;
    ticket_receipt?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
    ticket_updates?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
}> | SkippedOperationResult<{
    allocated_destination_contract?: boolean;
    balance_updates?: readonly ({ readonly kind: MetadataBalanceUpdatesKindEnum; readonly contract?: string | undefined; readonly change: string; readonly origin?: MetadataBalanceUpdatesOriginEnum | undefined; ... 9 more ...; readonly delayed_operation_hash?: string | undefined; })[];
    big_map_diff?: readonly ({ readonly key_hash?: string | undefined; readonly key?: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 ...)[];
    consumed_gas?: string;
    consumed_milligas?: string;
    errors?: readonly ({ readonly kind: string; readonly id: string; readonly delegate?: string | undefined; })[];
    lazy_storage_diff?: readonly (({ readonly kind: "big_map"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: readonly { readonly key_hash: string; readonly key: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { ...; } | readonly ({ ...; } |...) | ({ readonly kind: "sapling_state"; readonly id: string; readonly diff: { readonly action: DiffActionEnum; readonly updates?: { readonly commitments_and_ciphertexts: readonly (readonly [string, { readonly cv: string; ... 4 more ...; readonly nonce_out: string; }])[]; readonly nullifiers: readonly string[]; } | undefin...))[];
    originated_contracts?: readonly string[];
    paid_storage_size_diff?: string;
    status: OperationResultStatusEnum;
    storage?: ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | readonly (({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; }) | ({ readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...) | (readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | ... | readonly ({ ...; }...))[];
    storage_size?: string;
    ticket_hash?: string;
    ticket_receipt?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
    ticket_updates?: readonly ({ readonly ticket_token: { readonly ticketer: string; readonly content_type: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonl...)[];
rpcData: {
    amount: string;
    counter: string;
    destination: string;
    fee: string;
    gas_limit: string;
    kind: TRANSACTION;
    metadata: { readonly balance_updates?: readonly { readonly kind: MetadataBalanceUpdatesKindEnum; readonly contract?: string | undefined; readonly change: string; readonly origin?: MetadataBalanceUpdatesOriginEnum | undefined; ... 9 more ...; readonly delayed_operation_hash?: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; readonly opera...;
    parameters?: { readonly entrypoint: string; readonly value: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... |...;
    source: string;
    storage_limit: string;

Raw data as received from Tezos Node RPC. Taquito interface may not be exact.

Type declaration

  • Readonly amount: string
  • Readonly counter: string
  • Readonly destination: string
  • Readonly fee: string
  • Readonly gas_limit: string
  • Readonly kind: TRANSACTION
  • Readonly metadata: { readonly balance_updates?: readonly { readonly kind: MetadataBalanceUpdatesKindEnum; readonly contract?: string | undefined; readonly change: string; readonly origin?: MetadataBalanceUpdatesOriginEnum | undefined; ... 9 more ...; readonly delayed_operation_hash?: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; readonly opera...
  • Optional Readonly parameters?: { readonly entrypoint: string; readonly value: { readonly int?: string | undefined; readonly string?: string | undefined; readonly bytes?: string | undefined; } | { readonly prim: string; readonly args?: readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... | readonly ({ ...; } | ... 1 more ... |...
  • Readonly source: string
  • Readonly storage_limit: string
sourceAddress: string
storageLimit: BigNumber

It is an integer greater than or equal to 0.

transactionParameter: null | LazyTransactionParameter
uid: string

Universal ID of the entity on the blockchain. It is still human-readable.


Block hash / operation group hash / operation index [ operation kind ]


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